1 elevator angle input
Космонавтика: входной сигнал в виде угла отклонения руля -
2 elevator angle input
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > elevator angle input
3 input
вход, см. тж. entry, inlet; входной сигнал; входной контур или участок; pl. входные данные -
4 input
1. вход; ввод/ входной, на входе; вводимый2. входное воздействие, входной сигнал; входные данные3. входное устройство; устройство ввода4. подача; подводinput at the stickabusive inputactuator inputaerodynamic inputaggravated control inputsaileron inputaileron pulse inputangle-of-attack inputantispin-control inputaural inputblowing inputcockpit inputcollective inputcolumn inputcommand inputcomputer-generated inputcontrol inputcontrol column inputcontrol law inputcontroller inputcorrective inputcoupled control inputcross control inputcyclic inputdamper inputdesign inputdifferential tail inputdisturbance inputdouble rectangular inputdoublet inputdoublet control inputelevator inputengine inputfault inputfeed-forward inputfiltered inputflight test inputforce inputfore and aft cyclic control inputfrequency-sweep inputfull-stick inputgeometric inputgeometry inputgoverning inputground inputguidance inputgust inputhalf-authority control inputheave inputhierarchy inputhigh-frequency inputhigher harmonic rotor inputhorsepower inputincremental inputintegrator inputlarge-deflection inputlateral inputlateral control inputlateral cyclic control inputlateral stick inputlateral-directional inputslongitudinal cyclic inputlow-frequency inputmechanical inputmisapplied control inputmodal inputmodel inputmotion inputmultiaxis inputsmultistep inputmultivariable inputnavigation inputnoise inputnonswept inputnose down inputnose-up inputoff-axis inputoff-axis inputsoptical inputoscillatory inputpilot inputpilot force inputpilot-commanded inputpilot-generated inputpitch inputpitch rate gyro inputpitch stick inputpitch-control inputplant inputpoint inputpower lever inputprefiltered inputpressure inputpro-spin inputpulse inputramp inputrectangular inputroll control inputroll rate gyro inputroll stick inputroll-to-right inputrotor pitch inputrudder inputrudder pedal inputrudder triple inputrunway inputssensor inputsidestick inputsingle-stick inputsinusoidal inputslow inputsmooth inputstate-space inputstep inputstick inputstick force inputstickback inputSTOL guidance inputstudy inputsupportability inputswept inputsystem inputtail angular inputtest inputtorque inputtrajectory inputtriangular inputtrim inputtriplet inputturbulence inputtwo-dimensional inputunevenness inputvelocity step inputvibratory inputsvisual input -
5 control
1. управление; регулирование; управляемость; стабилизация/ управлять; регулировать2. управляющее устройство; регулятор; орган управления, средство управления; рычаг управления; поверхность управления, руль3. <pl> система управления; система регулирования4. управляющее воздействие, управление; отклонение органа управления; перемещение рычага управления5. контроль6. подавление <напр. колебаний>; предотвращениесм. тж. control,control in the pitch axis4-D controlacceleration controladaptable controladaptive controlaerodynamic controlaeroelastic controlaileron controlair traffic controlairborne controlaircraft controlairspeed controlall-mechanical controlsantispin controlsapproach controlarea controlarrival controlattitude controlaugmented controlsautopilot controlbang-bang controlbank-to-turn controlbimodal controlboundary layer controlbounded controlBTT controlbuoyancy controlbus controlCG controlcable controlcable-operated controlscamber controlcaptain`s controlscenter-of-gravity controlchattering controlclearance controlclosed-loop controlclosed-loop controlscockpit controlcockpit controlscollective controlcollective-pitch controlcolocated controlcompensatory controlconfiguration controlcontinuous controlcooperative controlcoordinated controlscorrosion controlcross controlscrowd controlcruise camber controlcyclic controlcyclic pitch controldamper-induced controldamping controldecentralized controldecoupled controldeformable controlsdeformation controldescent controldifferential controldigital controldirect force controldirect lateral force controldirect lift controldirect lift controlsdirect sideforce controldirect sideforce controlsdirectional controldirectional attitude controldirectional flight path controldiscontinuous controldiscrete controldisplacement controldistributed controldivergence controldrag controldual controlelastic mode controlelectrical signalled controlelevator controlen route air traffic controlengine controlserror controlevader controlFBW controlsfeedback controlfighter controlfinal controlfine controlfinger-on-glass controlfingertip controlfinite-time controlfixed-wing controlflap controlFlettner controlflight controlflight controlsflight path controlflow controlfluidic controlflutter controlflutter mode controlfly-by-glass controlfly-by-light controlsfly-by-wire controlsflying controlflying controlsforce controlforce sensitive controlforce sensitive controlsforebody controlsfountain controlfracture controlfriend/foe controlfuel controlfuel distribution controlfuel efficient controlfuel feed controlfull controlfull nose-down controlfull nose-down to full nose-up controlfull-authority controlfull-authority controlsfull-state controlfull-time fly-by-wire controlgain-scheduled controlglide path controlglideslope controlground-based controlharmonized controlshead-out controlhead-up controlheading controlheld controlshierarchical controlhigh-alpha controlhigh-angle-of-attack controlhigh-bandpass controlhigh-bandwidth controlhigh-speed controlhigher harmonic controlhigher harmonic controlshighly augmented controlsHOTAS controlshover mode controlhovering controlhydromechanical controlin-flight controlindividual blade controlindividual flap cruise camber controlinfra-red emissions controlinner-loop controlinput controlinput/output controlintegral controlintegrated controlinteractive controlsintercom/comms controlsirreversible controljet reaction controlkeyboard controlkeyboard controlsknowledge-based controllaminar flow controllateral controllateral-directional controlleading-edge controlsleft controlLiapunov optimal controllinear quadratic Gaussian controllinear quadratic regulator controlload factor controllongitudinal controllongitudinal cyclic controllow-bandwidth controllow-speed controlLQG controlLyapunov optimal controlmaneuver controlmaneuver camber controlmaneuver load controlmaneuvering controlmanual controlmass-flow controlmicroprocessor based controlMIMO controlminimax optimal controlminimum time controlminimum variance controlmisapplied controlsmission-critical controlmixing controlmodal controlmode controlsmodel-following controlmotion controlmultiaxis controlmultiple model controlmultiple-axis controlmultiple-input/multiple-output controlmultisurface controlmultivariable controlneutral controlsnoise controlnoninertial controlnonlinear feedback controlnonunique controlnose-down controlnose-down pitch controlopen-loop controlopen-loop controlsoptimal controlouter-loop controloxygen controlsperformance seeking controlperiodic controlperturbational controlpilot controlpilot-induced oscillation prone controlpiloting controlpiloting controlspitch controlpitch plane controlpitch-recovery controlpneumatic controlpneumodynamic controlpointing controlpositive controlpost stall controlpower controlpowered controlpredictive controlpressurization controlpreview controlpro-spin controlspropeller controlpropeller controlsproportional plus integral controlpropulsion controlspropulsion system controlspursuer controlpursuit controlradio controlsrate controlrate controlsratio-type controlsreaction controlreconfigurable controlsrecovery controlrecovery controlsreduced order controlrelay controlremote pilot controlresponsive controlrestructurable controlreverse controlreversed controlride controlrigid body controlrobust controlroll controlroll attitude controlroll-axis controlrotational controlrotor controlrudder controlrudder controlsrudder-only controlsea controlself-tuning controlsequence controlservo controlservo-flap controlservo-flap controlsshock controlshock wave/boundary layer controlshort period response controlsideforce controlsidestick controlsidestick controlssight controlssignature controlsingle-axis controlsingle-engine controlsingle-lever controlsingular perturbation optimal controlsix degree-of-freedom controlslew controlslewing controlsliding mode controlssmoothed controlsnap-through controlsoftware-intensive flight controlsspace structure controlstation keeping controlstepsize controlstiffness control of structurestochastic controlstructural controlstructural mode controlsuboptimal controlsuction boundary layer controlsuperaugmented controlswashplate controlsweep controlsystems controltactical controlstail controltail rotor controltailplane controltask-oriented controltask-tailored controltaxying controlterminal controlthin controlthree-surface controlthrottle controlthrust controlthrust magnitude controltight controltilt controltime-of-arrival controltime-optimal controltime/fuel optimal controltip clearance controlto regain controltorque controltorque controlstrailing-edge controlstransient controltranslational controltri-surface controltrim controlturn coordination controlupfront controlupward-tilted controlvariable structure controlvectorial controlvehicular controlvelocity controlvertical controlvibration controlvoice actuated controlsvortex controlvortex manipulation controlvortex-lift controlwing-mounted controlsyaw control -
6 response
1. реакция; реагирование; отклик; ответ(ное действие); выходной сигнал; срабатывание; возмущенное движение <ЛА>/ реагировать; отвечать3. характеристика; зависимость; (динамические) характеристики4. приемистость < двигателя>5. эффективность < органа управления>response due to longitudinal stick commandresponse due to rudder inputresponse in sideslipresponse in turnresponse of stick position to stick forceresponse to turbulenceabrupt responseacceleration responseactuator responseaerodynamic responseaeroelastic responseaircraft responseairspeed responsealpha responsealpha-ramp responseamplitude responseangle-of-attack responseangular responseattitude to stick force responsebase-excitation responsebeam responseblade responsebrake responsebuffet responsebuffeting responseC* responsechord responseclosed-loop responseclosed-loop frequency responsecommand responsecommanded responsecomputer responsecomputer-triggered responsecontrol responsecontrol surface responsecontrol-system responsecoupled responsecrisp responsedamped responsedamper responsedead-beat responsedecoupled responsedisplacement responsedivergent responsediverging responsedoublet responseDutch roll responsedynamic responseedgewise responseelastic responseelastodynamic responseexperimental responsefilter responseflap responseflat amplitude responseflexible responseflight responseflight path to stick force frequency responseflight path responseflight path angle responseforced responsefracture responsefree responsefree-flight responsefrequency responsefull-scale responsefull-state responsefull-elevator responseg responseglideslope responsegust responseheave responseHeaviside responsehelicopter responsehigh-frequency responsehigh-overshoot responsehorizontal tail deflection responsehorizontal tail rate responseimpact responseimpulse responsein-phase responseindicial responseinelastic responseinstantaneous responsejamming responselanding gear responselarge-amplitude responselateral responselateral stick responselateral-directional responselead-lag responselift responselift coefficient responseload responseload factor responselong term responselong-period responselongitudinal responseloop frequency responselow-overshoot responsemaneuver responsemaneuvering responsemaximum control responsemid-frequency responsemodel responsemodel-following responsemotor responsenon-Gaussian responsenormal acceleration responsenz responseoff-axis responseon-axis responseopen-loop responseopen-loop frequency responseoscillatory responseout-of-phase responseoverly sensitive responsephase responsephugoid responsephysiologic responsepiloted responsepitch responsepitch axis responsepitch command responsepitch rate responsepitch attitude responsepointing responsepower responserate-independent plastic responseresonant responseresonator responserigid body mode responseroll responseroll axis responseroll rate responserolling responserolling axis responserough airfield responserudder pedal responsesharp responseshort term responseshort-period responseshort-period dynamic responseside-slip responsesideforce responsesimulated responsesimulator responsesluggish responsespectral responsespoiler responsesprung mass responsestatic responsesteady-state responsestep responsestep-function responsestrain responsestress responsestructural-acoustic responsesubharmonic responsethrust responsetime responsetorsional responsetracking responsetrailing-edge deflection responsetrailing-edge rate responsetransient responsetrim responseturbulence responseturbulence-excited responsetwo-per-rev responseundamped responseunstable responsevehicle responsevelocity responsevertical responsevestibular responsevibration responsevibrational responsevibratory responsewell-damped responsewing responsewing beam responsewing rock type responseyaw responseyawing response -
7 control
1) управление; регулирование; регулировка || управлять; регулировать; задавать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) орган управления; орган регулировки, регулятор; орган настройки4) устройство управления; блок управления6) рукоятка или рычаг управления7) профилактические мероприятия, надзор•"operation is under control" — всё предусмотрено для нормальной работы;to gain control — вчт. получать управление:to go out of control — становиться неуправляемым;to operate ( to handle) the flight controls — оперировать органами управления полётом;to pass control — вчт. передавать управление;to return control — вчт. возвращать управление;to take over control — брать управление на себя;to transfer control — вчт. передавать управление-
cascaded control-
cathode control-
CO/O2 combustion control-
communications control-
computer control-
contactor-type control-
continuous-path control-
course gage control-
current-mode control-
dispatcher control-
focusing control-
holding control-
horizontal-frequency control-
hue range control-
long-distance control-
managerial control-
microprogramming control-
numerical program control-
on-off action control-
position-based control-
slide control-
step-by-step control-
time-pattern control -
8 combine
комбайн; сложная уборочная машина; комбинат; объединение; картель; синдикат; II комбинировать; сочетать; соединять; объединять(ся); убирать комбайном (напр. урожай зерна)- combine separator - corn combine - cotton combine - grain combine - half-track combine - hillside combine - level-land combine - maize combine - mounted combine - offset-header combine - pick-up combine - potato combine - prairie combine - pro-driven combine - pull-type tractor-drawn combine - self-propelled combine - semi-mounted combine - semi-self-propelled combine - side-cutting combine - silage combine - straight-combine method - straight-through in-line combine - tanker-type combine - three-point mounted combine - track-mounted combine - crawler combine - tractor-mounted combine - wide-cut combine - combined - combined bridge - combined carbon - combined deflection - combined-engine charging - combined error - combined extract and input ventilation - combined failure - combined fastening - combined fuel filter - combined hand-and-foot control - combined jet - combined jet nozzle - combined journal and thrust bearing - combined limiting and quick release valve - combined load - combined loading - combined mode crack - combined motor reducer - combined nozzle - combined pressure and vacuum relief valve - combined pressure gage - compound pressure gage - combined reducer-reverce unit - combined rolling and sliding friction - combined stop and emergency valve - combined strength - combined stress - combined stress test - combined takeup -
9 control
1) управление; регулирование || управлять; регулировать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) регулировка, настройка4) орган управления; регулировочный орган6) руководство; власть•to be out of control — метал. не попадать в анализ
to regain control — восстанавливать [получать] управление
to take control — брать управление на себя; брать руководство в свои руки
10 command
1. команда; задающее воздействие; управляющее воздействие; командный сигнал; сигнал управления2. управление; регулирование/ управлять3. командование < организационный орган>; управление4. команда, приказание/ командовать, подавать команды1-g command4-D commandsaccel commandacceleration commandactuator commandaileron commandantispin commandbang-bang commandsbar commandboxcar commandcanard commandclimb commandcontrol commandcoupled commanddecel commanddeceleration commanddecoupled commanddeflection commanddetumbling commanddirect lift commanddive commandDLC commanddownlink commandelevator commandeye pointing commandfeedback commandfeedforward commandflap commandflaperon commandflight director commandsflight path angle commandflight path rate commandflight director-type commandforce commandfuel flow commandfull-authority commandg-bias commandguidance commandhead pointing commandhorizontal tail commandindicator commandinput commandleading-edge flap commandleft roll commandlift commandload factor commandlongitudinal commandmanual commandmotion commandmultivariable commandsnose-down commandnose-up commandnozzle commandopposite commandouter loop commandoutput commandperturbation commandpilot commandpilot's commandpitch commandpitch attitude commandpitch down commandpitch rate commandpitch stick commandpitch axis commandpitch channel commandposition commandpull-up commandpush-over commandramp commandright roll commandright-wing-down commandroll commandroll axis commandroll channel commandroll rate commandroll stick commandrudder commandrudder pedal commandside force commandspeed brake commandsteering commandstep commandstick commandstimulus commandsuboptimal commandsurface commandtail commandterrain-following commandTF commandthrottle commandtoe-in commandtorque commandtouch commandtrailing-edge commandtrailing-edge flap commandtrajectory commandtransformed commandtranslational commandtrim commanduplink commandvoice commandyaw commandzero command
См. также в других словарях:
Spin (flight) — In aviation, a spin is an aggravated stall resulting in rotation about the center of gravity wherein the aircraft follows a downward corkscrew path. Spins can be entered unintentionally or intentionally, from any flight attitude and from… … Wikipedia
Flight control surfaces — Aircraft flight control surfaces allow a pilot to adjust and control the aircraft s flight attitude.Development of an effective set of flight controls was a critical advance in the development of the aircraft. Early efforts at fixed wing aircraft … Wikipedia
Aerobatics (radio-controlled aircraft) — Aerobatics for radio controlled aircraft are basically the same aerobatic maneuvers as those being flown by full scale aircraft but performed in model scale by remote control. Turns, rolls, spins, and stalls are demonstrated in combination for… … Wikipedia
Stall (flight) — For other uses, see stall. In fluid dynamics, a stall is a reduction in the lift coefficient generated by a foil as angle of attack increases. This occurs when the critical angle of attack of the foil is exceeded. The critical angle of attack is… … Wikipedia
airplane — /air playn /, n. 1. a heavier than air aircraft kept aloft by the upward thrust exerted by the passing air on its fixed wings and driven by propellers, jet propulsion, etc. 2. any similar heavier than air aircraft, as a glider or helicopter. Also … Universalium
Stabilator — A stabilator (stabilizer elevator) is an aircraft control surface that combines the functions of an elevator and a horizontal stabilizer. Most fixed wing aircraft control pitch using a hinged horizontal flap mdash; the elevator mdash; attached to … Wikipedia
Radio-controlled aircraft — A radio controlled aircraft (often called RC aircraft or RC plane) is a model aircraft that is controlled remotely, typically with a hand held transmitter and a receiver within the craft. The receiver controls the corresponding servos that move… … Wikipedia
Longitudinal static stability — is important in determining whether an aircraft will be able to fly as intended. Static stability As any vehicle moves it will be subjected to minor changes in the forces that act on it, and in its speed. * If such a change causes further changes … Wikipedia
cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… … Universalium
USAF Digital DATCOM — The United States Air Force Stability and Control Digital DATCOM is a computer program that implements the methods contained in the USAF Stability and Control DATCOM to calculate the static stability, control and dynamic derivative… … Wikipedia
Wright brothers — Orville Wright Photo: 1903 Born August 19 … Wikipedia